Monday, January 4, 2010

Georgia Holidays

What a blast we had being back in Marietta, GA. When we left CA, the temperature was 77 degrees, when we arrived in GA it was 32 degrees and stayed around there most of the time we were was a nice change. We got to see many of our friends, and being able to spend Christmas time with our families was really special. MaryMayes really loved seeing "Liv," "DD," "Emiwee," "Dames" (James), "Wiley" (Riley), "Soph" (Sophie), and she also got to meet a bunch of new friends at Aunt Gigi's house. She also got to see her aunts and uncles, which was a blessing for her and her aunts and uncles.

We are so thankful for all of the love we were shown while we were back in Georgia, we couldn't have asked for more. It was hard leaving our friends and family, but it was nice to get back to California to warmer weather and our own place. I (Brett) am starting my interterm class this saturday, and my ministry to the athletes at Biola is also starting back up this week.

We stayed very busy for the two weeks we were in Marietta, but still couldn't see everyone we wanted to. Please accept our apology if we didn't get to see you while we were back. We love you all and miss you very much.

David, Livie, James and MaryMayes "pose" for a picture.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anispyker said...

cute...and beautifull